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Red Eyes 监视搜查班 The First Mission7.0

类型:日本剧 日本 2021

主演:宍户佑名  松村北斗  木村佑一  松本博之  内田慈  





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     2021年10月21日,在北卡罗来纳州福克斯空军基地举行的MWD演示会上,追踪了第五安全部队中队的军事工作犬Pepion逃走的潜在嫌疑犯。法戈警察署、微诺特空军基地、大福克斯空军基地的警犬能力。(美国空军照片、空军一等兵Roxanne Belovarac)   Pepion, a military working dog with the 5th Security Force Squadron, runs after a fleeing would-be suspect in an MWD demonstration at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., Oct. 21, 2021. The demonstration was open to the public and showed the capabilities of the dogs from the Fargo Police Department, Minot AFB and Grand Forks AFB. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Roxanne Belovarac)      2021年10月21日,在大福克斯空军基地,法戈警察署的警察杰尼弗·古斯塔夫森(Jennifer Gustafson)为军犬的爆炸训练准备了爆炸气味。斯塔夫森是当地执法伙伴之一,参加了大福克斯空军基地的联合训练日,第319安全部队的人员,并协助提高基地以及北达科他州整体的安全能力。(美军空军照片由空军一等兵洛克·贝罗巴拉克拍摄)   Officer Jennifer Gustafson with the Fargo Police Department prepares explosive odors for a military working dog buried explosive training exercise at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., Oct. 21, 2021. Gustafson was one of the local law enforcement partners that participated in the joint training day at Grand Forks AFB with 319th Security Forces personnel and assisted with boosting security capabilities not just for the base, but all across North Dakota. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Roxanne Belovarac)      2021年10月21日,高级飞行员塞缪尔病毒2世,第319安全部队连队的军犬训练师跟随他的狗Flex在大福克斯空军基地的仓库搜索了假炸药。仓库里有假炸药的法戈炸药处理小组,也有假炸药。(美军空军照片由空军一等兵洛克·贝罗巴拉克拍摄)   Senior Airman Samuel Wells II, a military working dog trainer for the 319th Security Forces Squadron, follows his dog, Flex, as they search a warehouse for fake explosives at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., Oct. 21, 2021. The warehouse was rigged with fake explosives by the Fargo Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit with some even wired to have a fake detonation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Roxanne Belovarac)      2021年10月21日,北达科他州大福克斯空军基地的训练日,北达科他州高速公路巡查特洛伊指挥狗博多,闻了车里隐藏的毒品。第319后勤准备中队为训练提供车辆和场地,第319安全部队连队可与当地执法机关合作,提高他们的安全能力。(美军空军照片由空军一等兵洛克·贝罗巴拉克拍摄)   Trooper Troy Roth of North Dakota State Highway Patrol directs his dog, Bodo, to smell out narcotics hidden within a vehicle during a training day at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., Oct. 21, 2021. The 319th Logistics Readiness Squadron supplied the vehicles and locations for the training, which allowed the 319th Security Forces Squadron to partner with local law enforcement agencies and improve their security capabilities. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Roxanne Belovarac)      2021年10月21日,北达科他州高速公路巡查追踪师犬蓝与军官、北达科他州高速公路巡查追踪师史蒂夫·梅尔一起站在一起,士兵在大福克斯空军基地报告的时候。北达科他州的高速公路巡查猎犬是这个州唯一的人类尾随犬,可以给其他狗提供独特的训练机会。(美军空军照片由空军一等兵洛克·贝罗巴拉克拍摄)   Bleu, a dog in the man-trailing division of the North Dakota State Highway Patrol stands with his officer, Trooper Steve Mayer of the man-trailing division of North Dakota State Highway Patrol, as the trooper gives a presentation at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., Oct. 21, 2021. The North Dakota State Highway Patrol’s Bloodhounds are some of the only man-trailing dogs in the state and were able to provide a unique training opportunity for the other dogs. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Roxanne Belovarac)      2021年10月21日,在北卡罗来纳州的大福克斯空军基地,319安全部队连队军犬训练师的高级飞行员塞缪尔病毒2世(左)和高级飞行员亚历山大·加西亚在MWD Tomi进行了MWD演示。Wells,Garcia和Tomi显示了mwd是如何训练的,当他的监督搜查他们并逮捕逃跑的人时,他们显示了他们是如何保护嫌疑人的。(美军空军照片由空军一等兵洛克·贝罗巴拉克拍摄)   Senior Airman Samuel Wells II, left, and Senior Airman Alejandra Garcia, 319th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handlers, perform a MWD demonstration with MWD Tomi, at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., Oct. 21, 2021. Wells, Garcia and Tomi gave a demonstration on how the MWDs are trained to guard a suspect when his trainer searches them and apprehend personal if they were to run away. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Roxanne Belovarac)      日本海上自卫队士官长山本优作(左)和3级士官Shiinya Ota参观了部署在最前线的两栖攻击舰美国号(LHA 6)的舰桥。美国作为美国两栖战备队的领导力,与第31海军陆战队远征部队一起在美国第7舰队的责任区行动,强化同盟国和合作伙伴的相互操作性,作为随时准备的响应力,维护和平与稳定。印太地区。(美国海军的照片是大众传播专家3rd Class Thomas B.Conntant拍摄的)   SASEBO, Japan (Oct. 27, 2021) Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Master Chief Petty Officer Yusaku Yamamoto, left, and Petty Officer 3rd Class Shinya Ota tour the bridge of the forward deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6). America, lead ship of the America Amphibious Ready Group, along with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, is operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility to enhance interoperability with allies and partners and serve as a ready response force to defend peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Thomas B. Contant)      桑伯纳迪诺海峡(2021年10月29日)来自缅因州温德姆的海员亚当·玛丽,在阿里·伯克级导弹驱逐舰USS Benfold(DDG65)的港湾桥翼监视着。当时这艘船通过了圣贝纳迪诺海峡。Benfold被分配到特遣部队(CTF)71/驱逐舰连队(DESRON)15、海军最大的最前线部署DESRON、美国第7舰队的主要水面部队指挥官。(美国海军的照片是一级大众议院传播专家Deanna C.Gonzales拍摄的)   SAN BERNARDINO STRAIT (Oct. 29, 2021) Seaman Adam Maley, from Windham, Maine, stands lookout watch on the port bridge wing of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold (DDG 65) as the ship conducts a passage through the San Bernardino Strait. Benfold is assigned to Commander, Task Force (CTF) 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15, the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S. 7th Fleet’s principal surface force. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Deanna C. Gonzales)      在佛罗里达州奥兰多召开的空运油轮协会大会上,美国空军第92空中加油连队指挥官Cassius T.Bentley上校(右)向空中机动司令部公民领导人Kevin Twohig(左)授予坦帕湾防御联盟奖杯,2021年10月29日。这个奖被授予了为连结军事和平民的社区而取得一生成果的平民。(美国空军的照片是Airman 1st Class Anneliese Kaiser拍摄的)   Kevin Twohig, Air Mobility Command civic leader, (left) is presented the Tampa Bay Defense Alliance trophy by U.S. Air Force Col. Cassius T. Bentley, 92nd Air Refueling Wing commander, (right) at the Airlift Tanker Association convention in Orlando, Florida, October 29, 2021. This award is presented to the civilian whose lifetime achievement was spent bridging military and civilian communities. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Anneliese Kaiser)      波士顿(2021年10月29日)首席士官(CPO)的入选者于2021年10月29日在马萨诸塞州波士顿的宪法号战舰上进行了CPO遗产周内的航线处理操作。宪法为了使舰队周边的首席成员们居住在船上,接受各种海上进化训练的传统得以终结,开始了一年一度的“首席赛季”。宪法号于1797年首次下水,是世界上最古老的服役船,1812年的战争中被称为“老铁边”,看到英国的炮弹从船体弹起。(美国海军首席军士约修亚•卡斯汀(Joshua Karsten)摄影)   BOSTON (October 29, 2021) Chief petty officer (CPO) selectees conduct line handling operations during CPO Heritage Week on board the USS Constitution in Boston, Mass., Oct. 29, 2021. Constitution got underway to culminate the annual “Chief Season” tradition where Chief Selects from around the Fleet live on board and are trained in various maritime evolutions. Constitution, first launched in 1797, is the world’s oldest commissioned ship afloat and is nicknamed “Old Ironsides” from the War of 1812 when British cannonballs were seen bouncing off the ship’s hull. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Petty Officer Joshua Karsten)      宇宙拍摄地球和月亮   Space-shot of earth and the moon      2021年11月1日,美国和印度尼西亚的军事人员参加了印度尼西亚的海上合作和海上训练的开幕式的准备。   U.S. and Indonesian military personnel join during the opening ceremony for Cooperation Afloat and Readiness at Sea Training Indonesia, Nov. 1, 2021.      2021年10月11日,格陵兰空军基地仪仗队为丹麦女王玛格丽特2世的到来做准备。   The Thule Air Base Honor Guard prepares for the arrival of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark at Thule Air Base, Greenland, Oct. 11, 2021.      弗吉尼亚国防军进行全州战备演习   2021年10月2日,“高地守护者21”期间,弗吉尼亚州里士满和弗吉尼亚国防军的成员在移动通信平台上进行了训练。HG21是全州范围的战备演习,目的是测试VDF的区域联络、事故管理合作、访问控制、相互运用通信支持能力。VDF MCP是从7.5英尺到16英尺的拖车,配备了多个用于语音和数据通信的无线系统。通过使用一个主控制程序,视频显示论坛的成员可以通过各种无线频谱与应急响应和公共安全组织以及业余无线电运营商通信。详情在这里https://go.usa.gov/xMGzM.VDF通信能力的信息   Members of the Virginia Defense Force train in a Mobile Communication Platform Oct. 2, 2021, in Richmond, Virginia, during Highland Guardian 21. HG 21 is a statewide readiness exercise to test the VDF’s regional liaison, incident management assistance, access control and interoperable communications support capabilities. The VDF MCP is a 7 1/2 feet by 16 feet trailer equipped with multiple radio systems for voice and data communications. Using an MCP, members of the VDF are able to communicate across a variety of radio spectrums with emergency response and public safety organizations as well as amateur radio operators. Read more about VDF communications capabilities at https://go.usa.gov/xMGzM.      2021年11月3日,在乔治亚州穆迪空军基地,飞行员展示了A-10C霹雳2号尾翼-995的飞机模型。在飞机桌上,有架飞机修复了,所有需要修复的差异都记录在活页剪辑上。(美国空军一级飞行员金安娜狸拍摄的照片)   An Airman displays the aircraft forms binder for A-10C Thunderbolt II tail-995 at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, Nov. 3, 2021. Within an aircraft forms binder is a record of every discrepancy that has been fixed or needs to be fixed on a particular aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Briana Beavers)      2021年11月3日,乔治亚州穆迪空军基地,美国空军第75战斗机中队的标准化和评价主管泰勒・拜大尉和她的僚机航线。飞行中,这个合作伙伴基本上是以水面攻击飞到了大湾目标场。(美国空军一级飞行员金安娜狸拍摄的照片)   U.S. Air Force Capt. Taylor Bye, 75th Fighter Squadron standardization and evaluation chief, and her wingman fly over the flightline at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, Nov. 3, 2021. The pair flew on a basic surface attack to Grand Bay Range during the flight. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Briana Beavers)      从崩溃到恢复:飞行员、维护者的顽强性   2021年11月3日,乔治亚州穆迪空军基地、美国空军第75战斗机中队标准化和评价负责人泰勒・拜大尉正在准备进入A-10C爆红II尾部-995驾驶室。由于2020年4月1次飞行中的紧急情况,Bye不得不在没有着陆机和座位盖的状态下着陆。这是她修理完tail-905后的第一次飞行。(美国空军一级飞行员金安娜狸拍摄的照片)   U.S. Air Force Capt. Taylor Bye, 75th Fighter Squadron standardization and evaluation chief, prepares to enter the A-10C Thunderbolt II tail-995 cockpit at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, Nov. 3, 2021. During an in-flight emergency in April of 2020, Bye was forced to land the aircraft without landing gear or a canopy. This was her first sortie in tail-995 since its repairs. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Briana Beavers)      2021年10月22日,被派遣到第22海军陆战队远征部队(MEU)的美国海军陆战队将校,在两栖攻击舰“ケサグ”(LHD3)进行了军事演习。战争游戏是海军陆战队将校在佛罗伦萨EU综合训练(PMINT)期间为了提高实时决策能力而进行的练习。PMINT是MEU配备前训练计划的第一个海上阶段。目的是提高相互运用性,与海军陆战队建立水兵关系。   U.S. Marine Corps officers assigned to the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) conduct a wargaming scenario aboard Amphibious Assault Ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), Oct. 22, 2021. The wargame was an exercise used by the Marine officers to increase proficiency in real-time decision making during PHIBRON-MEU Integrated Training (PMINT). PMINT is the first at-sea period in the MEU’s Pre-deployment Training Program; it aims to increase interoperability and build relationships between Marines and Sailors.      2021年11月5日,由于雷尼尔战争21B演习,被分配到华盛顿路易斯·麦格尔联合基地的C-17两艘宇宙飞船在威克岛着陆。雷尼尔战争是第62空运联合队指导的半年大型战备演习,目的是在现实情况下训练空勤人员,支持应对现代威胁的全光谱战备行动,复制现在的应急行动。(美国空军雷切尔・威廉姆斯上士的照片)   Two C-17 Globemaster IIIs assigned to Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, land at Wake Island during Exercise Rainier War 21B, Nov. 5, 2021. Rainier War is a semi-annual, large readiness exercise led by the 62nd Airlift Wing, designed to train aircrews under realistic scenarios that support full spectrum readiness operations against modern threats and replicate today’s contingency operations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Rachel Williams)      2021年10月29日,在弗吉尼亚州兰利・尤斯蒂斯联合基地,第36情报连目标模型分析家米凯拉高级飞行员向第16空军(空军网络)副司令官大卫・盖多德少将介绍了联合空对地对峙导弹(JASSM)终端模型。36信息系统的任务是提供及时、定制、集成的目标和地理空间信息,以实现空中部分战场的主导地位。(美国空军的照片,由Tech提供。AJ君悦中士)   Senior Airman Miquela, a 36th Intelligence Squadron target models analyst, briefs Maj. Gen. David Gaedecke, 16th Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) vice commander, on the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) Terminal Area Model, during a Wing visit, Oct. 29, 2021 at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. The 36 IS mission is to deliver timely, tailored, and integrated targeting and geospatial intelligence to enable air component dominance of the battlespace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. AJ Hyatt)      第16空军(空军网络)副司令官363d ISR联队视察   2021年10月29日,在弗吉尼亚州兰利・尤斯蒂斯联合基地,363d信息、监视、侦察联合队指挥官埃里克・迈克上校向第16空军(空军网络)副指挥官大卫・盖德多克少将展示了363d信息、监视、侦察联合队英雄的凹室。该展览会位于363d ISR联队总部大楼,向363d ISR联队相关的5名ISR飞行员表示敬意。左边是第25信息中队初期的直接支援操作员,右边是战术系统操作员。英雄凹室是我们对信息、监控、侦察飞行员同伴服务和牺牲的有形注意事项。每年,为了纪念倒下的英雄,Wing都会举行5K跑。(美国空军的照片,由Tech提供。AJ君悦中士)   Colonel Eric Mack, 363d Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing commander, highlights the 363d ISR Wing Heroes’ Alcove to Maj. Gen. David Gaedecke, 16th Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) vice commander, during a Wing visit, Oct. 29, 2021 at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. The display located in the 363d ISR Wing Headquarters building, honors five ISR Airmen associated with the 363d ISR Wing. From the left shows direct support operators stemming from the older days of the 25th Intelligence Squadron and to the right shows tactical system operators. The Heroes Alcove is a tangible reminder of the service and sacrifices of our fellow Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Airmen. Every year, the Wing hosts 5K runs in remembrance of these fallen heroes. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. AJ Hyatt)      2021年10月29日,美国第16空军(空军网络)副司令官大卫•盖多德在弗吉尼亚州兰利•尤斯蒂斯联合基地参观363d信息、监视、侦察联队时,访问了飞行员和守护者。Gaedece通过电磁战能力、多源信息、产品、应用、能力、资源的监视和侦查,确保了44000多名世界作战人员的战备状态。(美国空军的照片,由Tech提供。AJ君悦中士)   Maj. Gen. David Gaedecke, 16th Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) vice commander, visited Airmen and Guardians during an immersion tour of the 363d Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, Oct. 29, 2021. Gaedecke ensures the readiness of more than 44,000 personnel conducting worldwide operations by delivering electromagnetic warfare capabilities, multisource intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance products, applications, capabilities and resources. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. AJ Hyatt)      2021年10月29日,弗吉尼亚州兰利・尤斯蒂斯联合基地、363d信息、监视和侦查联合队指挥官埃里克・迈克上校在浸入观光过程中向第16空军(空军网络)副司令官大卫・格多克少将打了招呼。在他的旅行中,盖尔多克接到了“翼的状态”的简单报告,并收到了联合空对地对峙导弹(JASSM)、信号信息(SIGINT)、公开信息(PAI)的演示概要。(美国空军的照片,由Tech提供。AJ君悦中士)   Colonel Eric Mack, 363d Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing commander, greets Maj. Gen. David Gaedecke, 16th Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) vice commander, during an immersion tour, Oct. 29, 2021 at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. During his tour, Gaedecke received a “State of the Wing” briefing, an overview of the joint air-to-surface standoff missile (JASSM), signals intelligence (SIGINT) and Publicly Available Information (PAI) demonstrations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. AJ Hyatt)      2021年11月5日,在雷尼尔战争21B演习中分配到华盛顿路易斯·麦格尔联合基地的C-17地球仪3号在威克岛着陆。雷尼尔战争21B对第62空运联队使用该部队的能力和在高强度、战时纷争、退化、作战限制的环境下执行战时和应急任务的能力进行了演习和评价。同时,支持了接近美国印太司令部责任区内的对手的紧急行动。(美国空军雷切尔・威廉姆斯上士的照片)   A C-17 Globemaster III assigned to Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, lands at Wake Island during Exercise Rainier War 21B, Nov. 5, 2021. Rainier War 21B exercised and evaluated the 62nd Airlift Wing’s ability to employ the force and their ability to perform during wartime and contingency taskings in a high-intensity, wartime contested, degraded and operationally limited environment while supporting the contingency operations against a near-peer adversary in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command area of responsibility. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Rachel Williams)      从2021年11月1日到5日,来自世界各地的密码技术人员(集合)(CTR)评级的领导们聚集到了朝鲜站,讨论了评级的未来。每隔2年,海军的各种等级的主题专家聚集在一起,为了满足舰队全体的等级需求,验证并确立了训练过的职业基准。   Leaders in the Cryptologic Technician (Collection) (CTR) rating from around the world gathered at Corry Station to discuss the way-ahead and future of their rating, from Nov. 1 – 5, 2021. Every two years subject matter experts from within the Navy’s varied ratings come together to validate and build the occupational standards that are trained to in order to meet the needs of the rating throughout the fleet.      2021年11月5日,在威克岛的雷尼尔战争21B演习中,被分配到第3海军陆战队远征军的美国海军士兵退出了C-17地球仪3号。雷尼尔战争21B对第62空运联队使用该部队的能力和在高强度、战时纷争、退化、作战限制的环境下执行战时和应急任务的能力进行了演习和评价。同时,支持了接近美国印太司令部责任区内的对手的紧急行动。(美国空军雷切尔・威廉姆斯上士的照片)   U.S. Marines, assigned to the III Marine Expeditionary Force, exit a C-17 Globemaster III during Exercise Rainier War 21B at Wake Island, Nov. 5, 2021. Rainier War 21B exercised and evaluated the 62nd Airlift Wing’s ability to employ the force and their ability to perform during wartime and contingency taskings in a high-intensity, wartime contested, degraded and operationally limited environment while supporting the contingency operations against a near-peer adversary in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command area of responsibility. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Rachel Williams)      2021年11月5日,在威克岛的雷尼尔战争21B演习中,被分配到第3海军陆战队远征军的美国海军士兵退出了C-17地球仪3号。雷尼尔战争21B对第62空运联队使用该部队的能力和在高强度、战时纷争、退化、作战限制的环境下执行战时和应急任务的能力进行了演习和评价。同时,支持了接近美国印太司令部责任区内的对手的紧急行动。(美国空军雷切尔・威廉姆斯上士的照片)   U.S. Marines, assigned to the III Marine Expeditionary Force, exit a C-17 Globemaster III during Exercise Rainier War 21B at Wake Island, Nov. 5, 2021. Rainier War 21B exercised and evaluated the 62nd Airlift Wing’s ability to employ the force and their ability to perform during wartime and contingency taskings in a high-intensity, wartime contested, degraded and operationally limited environment while supporting the contingency operations against a near-peer adversary in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command area of responsibility. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Rachel Williams)      2021年10月1日,在佛罗里达州EGlin空军基地,美国空军第33战斗机联队指挥官杰克・r阿索德上校和妻子娜塔莉・阿索德夫人接受采访后,笑着拍了照片。22年来,亚瑟夫妇是空军大家庭的一员,2021年7月加入了第33届FW。(美国空军的照片是由飞行员李恩德拉·加西亚拍摄的)   U.S. Air Force Col. Jack R. Arthaud, 33rd Fighter Wing commander, and his wife, Mrs. Natalie Arthaud, smile for a photo after an interview, Oct. 1, 2021, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The Arthauds have been part of the Air Force family for 22 years and joined the 33rd FW in July 2021. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Leandra Garcia)      2009年3月5日,在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥,特殊作战水手跳入科罗纳多湾进行浮游检查。   A special operations sailor jumps into Coronado Bay for a floatation check in San Diego, Calif., March 5, 2009.      2013年8月7日,第十特种部队第一营的士兵在德国的图形华尔街训练区进行了C-130大力神战斗机的训练跳跃。   Soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group, conduct a training jump from a C-130 Hercules aircraft at the Grafenwoehr Training Area in Grafenwoehr, Germany, Aug. 7, 2013.      2015年3月17日,德国第10特殊部队团(空降)第一营的士兵从空降区上空飞出了C-130大力神战斗机。   Soldiers assigned to the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), jump out of a C-130 Hercules aircraft over a drop zone in Germany, March 17, 2015.


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